Airport waiting.
Airports are an interesting scope of humanity. I suppose some level of privilege or wealth is assumed, one is flying internationally, but still, all faces and shapes and colors and accents and languages are represented. Families, lovers, friends, young and old traversing a transportation system as part of their life's story. A thousand stories of love and loss and opportunity, joy and grief, hope and tragedy.
25 hours after I embarked, I am waiting for the flight to Nairobi to board. So far, I am the only white face getting on the plane. It is an interesting and beautiful feeling. I can not take anything for granted. I am not one of the same. I really know nothing of this place I will go or the people I will meet. Except that we share a human experience. There will be stories to share, moments to feel, bread to break, and sights to see.
One more white face. Two. Both men. What is it for a woman to travel alone? What is it for me to travel half way around the world to embed myself in a community and explore a new culture?
Right now, I am more excited then nervous. Anything is possible.
The news. The ugly stories, acts of violence and terrorism are possible anytime, anywhere, but no matter how engulfed, there is beauty, magic, and love. People doing right and loving one another. Sharing and caring and doing the best they can. It is real, but I can not be afraid. I take a deep breathe and look at all the beautiful shades of brown surrounding me and smile.
And across the aisle, laughter breaks the hushed tones of weary travelers waiting.