Every part of my body resists this title. Why not auntie, mom, big sis, teacher?
I could not be a grandmother I think, but I could. In some way the years have been added to my life and here I am, old enough to be a grandmother.
In this place Vero is not calling me old, there is no negative connotation. Only deep love, reverence, and respect.
A grandmother: holding love, tradition, and family in her hands and heart, giving wisdom and life. Watching and caring with compassionate nurturing.
Grandmother, she says, and I grimace a little and smile.
Another volunteer here just turned twenty one. While I don't want to party like she does and I can see my wisdom of age over hers, I do not recognize that I am almost thirty years her elder. I do not feel it.
How does one age without watching their own children grow? How do I measure my place in life and wear this status with grace and humility. How do I become an elder when there is no stick for me to measure.
To grow old is an honor. To wear age with grace and humility, to take my place as an elder with pride and wisdom. What is my coming of age ceremony? What is the right of passage? When is it time?
How do I own this transition and become it? Do I need to change my thinking, actions, way through life? Can I be an elder without a family line? What does that look like?
A new journey to embark in time.